A gentleman called one of our clinics a few days ago with growing concerns about his wife and asked:
“Why does my wife keep falling over?…”
He continued to tell us that his wife, Anne, 74, generally has good health, but lately she’s been having difficulty controlling her balance and loses confidence every time she falls.
So much so, that she’s scared to leave the house without him, or their daughter by her side, just in case she falls over and there’s no one there to help her get back up.
Losing your balance can be a scary thing.
It’s something that we hear people worrying about all the time.
It’s not uncommon that as we get older, we begin to feel unsteady on our feet.
People have told us that when they’re out doing their weekly food shop, they have to rely on the supermarket trolley to keep them on their feet, or lean on a loved one to help them get around safely…
That a fear of falling spoils their confidence to leave the house alone, or even get up and move around the house independently.
It’s a worrying thing that happens.
And most of the time, people don’t understand why it’s happening to them all of a sudden.
So why is it that falls are one of the main causes of accidents and injuries in people aged 65+?
Here’s just some of the reasons why falling can become more of an issue as we get older…
Poor eyesight, and difficulties with hearing properly are one of the most common changes that come with ageing.
Any issues with hearing and eyesight will make you feel unsteady.
Let me explain…
The inner ear has five, hair-like sensors that manage your balance – three that help you rotate and two that help you make up and down motions.
As we get older, sometimes these sensors begin to not work as well as they used to, not sending the right signals to your brain to help keep you on your feet, meaning your balance will suffer.
Same goes for the eyes – if you can’t see clearly, if things are a little blurry and distorted, your brain will struggle to help keep you feeling centered.
So, deteriorating eyesight and hearing are big factors to why someone might begin to experience falls.
Another big factor is weak and in-active muscles.
As we age, our muscles become weaker (if we don’t do exercises and keep active to keep them strong).
And weak muscles mean it becomes difficult to support the body and keep up right.
This can lead to poor posture.
If your body isn’t aligned properly, and your muscles can’t control your alignment, quick movements and moving around can throw you off balance and lead to more falls.
Another big factor we see is medications messing with the body.
Dizziness and loss of balance are sometimes included in that long list of side effects that come with medications.
If your medication makes you drowsy, your reaction time will be affected, meaning you won’t be able to balance properly because of sudden disturbances.
If you’re on multiple medications and drowsiness is a side-effect, this could be a reason why you feel dizzy each time you get up, or find it difficult to stay steady when you’re on your feet.
Even your environment can have a big impact on how you move around day-to-day.
We’ve heard of people who have tripped over a rug, fallen up or down the stairs, or even lost their balance when trying to get out of the bath tub or car.
If you have loose carpets, rugs that are easy to trip over, nothing to hold onto around the house – especially when using the stairs or no handle to hold on to when getting out of the bath or shower…
Changing a few things in your home could help you fall less often, and help you feel more confident around your home.
Obviously, I can’t put it down to “one” thing without knowing more about you, how you’re struggling with keeping steady on your feet and your situation.
But what I can do is tell you this – if you find yourself worried about falling over, or if you’ve noticed a loved one leaning over more than usual and falling down more often…
It’s completely normal.