Sydney Physio For Back Pain
Low Back Pain can be a very complex issue. Our lower back phsyio in Sydney will assist in strengthening the back muscles and condition the spinal tissues and joints. Structures that can cause pain include joints, muscles, ligaments, nerves, and discs. Lower back pain can vary from a deep ache to shooting pain and in many instances make you feel frustrated with your only option being to stop, modify or minimise your activity, take medication, and wait until the pain subsides.
Up to 80-85% of the population experience low back pain so it is the most common condition physiotherapists see so we have an excellent understanding of how to treat your problem. If your pain is left untreated up to 60% of people will also suffer a recurrence within 1-2 years. The approach of rest and medication never addresses the underlying cause of the problem so take control of your back pain and call us for help.